Benedetta Morandi
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- 2012 - Workshop of stage fight for the reenactment group "La Zoiosa" in Mantova (Italy)
- 2012 - In association with Har Bajè, Live Show "SAGA FAMILIARE", fight choreographer and performer
- 2011 / 2012 - In association with Har Bajè: Stage in Stage Fight for Actors
- 2011 - In association with Har Barjè, 1rd place (Antiquity/Middle Ages Duel) in the 3rd International German Championship in Stage Fencing, in Mönchengladbach (Germany).
- 2011 - In association with Red Crow Stunt: Live Show in Fanano (Itay) .
- 2011 - In association with Red Crow Stunt: Live Show "Eroe e Leggende - Cavaliere!" in Figline Valdarno (Florence - Italy)
- 2011 - In association with Red Crow Stunt: Live Show "Eroe e Leggende" in Figline Valdarno (Florence - Italy)
- 2011 - In association with Har Baje, show "BÒTTE E BÓTTE ", fight choreographer and performer
- 2011 - Workshop of stage fight for the reenactment group "La Zoiosa" in Mantova (Italy)
- 2010 - Member of Red Crow Stunt
- 2010 - Partecipation in the "Battle of Eron" in “Dark Resurrection” part II
- 2010 - Lessons and combat sequences for “Festa Castellana” in Scapezzano (Italy ).
- 2008
/ 2009 / 2010 -
Historical combat lessons in Lugano ( Swizterland).
- 2009 - In association with Har Baje,
participation in the second International German Stage
Fencing Championship in Berlin.
- 2009 - Participation in the Italian Stage Fencing Championship "Le Combattre de Miracles".
- 2008 -
Stunt for fight scens in “Dark Resurrection” part II, for coreografies
by Ran Arthur Braun and Maurizio Zuppa.
- 2007 –
Founding member and stage combat teacher for the Theatrical Assotiation
- 2007
Combat sequences for “Francesco e il Sultano”, directed by Omar
Nedjari, based on a project by Antonio Zanoletti and Paolo Zanzi.
- 2007 -
Participation to the “Gala
internazionale di combattimento scenico- in memoria di Enzo Musumeci Greco ”
in Piobbico (PU).
- 2007 -
Weapon master for “Il
Trovatore” produced and directed by Felix Company, in
- 2007
Fight scenes for the “Antigone”,
by the assotiation Punto Zero, Milan.
- 2006 -
Counseling and partecipatioon to the play “La storia infinita”,
by the assotiation Teatro2, Milan.
- 2006
- Stage on theatrical combat at the association “Melograno”, Sinigallia.
- 2004 -
Combat scenes for the play “Il
Leone di Inverno”, directed by Gualtiero Colombo.
- 2001/2002 -
Lessons on quartestaff combat for the theatrical formation center “Il
Carro di Tespi”, Milan.
- 2000 -
Member and teatcher of historicall combat, base and advanced levels,
for the reenactment group “Compagnia di Chiaravalle”.
- Study
of late medieval fencing manuals, such as Fiore dei Liberi “Flos
Duellatorum in armis sine Armis”, Filippo Vadis “De Arte Gladiatoria
Dimicandi” and german Fechtbuchers (like the Talhoffer).
- Acting
classes, circus training.
- Stage
on theatrical combat, by Tony Wolf, coreografer of “the Lord of the
Ring” trilogy, at the Scuola Brancaleoni of Piobbico (PU).
- Knife
combat stage by Antonio Merendoni, at the Scuola Brancaleoni of
Piobbico (PU).
- short
sword and buckler stage, by Philip Burthem, at the Scuola Brancaleoni
of Piobbico (PU).
- Stage
in stunt formation, by Kristoffer Jorgensen and Joe Perez.
- "Stage
International d'Escrime Theâtrale, Combats et Cascades" by Kristoffer
Jorgensen, in Frejus (France)
- Workshop
in Hamar (Norway), by N.S.F.S. (Nordic
Stage Fight Society)
- Master Class by Tony Wolf before the Italian Stage Fencing Championship "Le Combattre de Miracles".
- Stage
by Kristoffer
Jorgensen and Jacques Cappelle, in Berlin, after
the Second International Stage Fencing Championship.
- Workshop
in Tampere (Finland), by N.S.F.S. (Nordic
Stage Fight Society)
- Workshop
in Milano by Red Crow Stunt, instructor: Ally McClelland
- Workshop
in Reggio Emilia by Red Crow Stunt, instructor: Ally McClelland
- Workshop
in Frejus (France) by Les Lames d'Hermes, instructors: Kristoffer
Jorgensen, Alain Bagnasco and Karsten Hoffmann
- International Workshop "Nine Weapons in Nine Days" in Tromso (Norway), instructors: Kristoffer
Jorgensen, Sergey Mishenev, Anders Kippersund and Inga-Live Kippersund.
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop "Wire & Fight" in Magreglio (Italy), intructors: Peeter Gross, Tiina Gross and Ran Arthur Braun.
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop: Bartitsu - "the Fighting Arts of Sherlock Holmes", instructor Ran Arthur Braun
- Workshop in Viljandi (Estonia), by N.S.F.S. (Nordic Stage Fight Society)
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop "Wire & Fight" in Magreglio (Italy), intructors: Peeter Gross, Tiina Gross and Ran Arthur Braun.
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop “Burdyri” - Burdyri Sword Fighting
- International Workshop by Flygrossing/Grosshopper - Aerial Stunt Combat System
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop "Stuntwork for Film", instructors: Joe Perez and Kristoffer Jorgensen
- With Red Crow Stunt - International Workshop "Artistic Fencing for Screen & Stage", instructor: Alain Bagnasco, Maître d'Armes
- International Workshop "THE 9 WEAPONS INTENSIVE 2012" in Tromsø (Norway), instructors: Kristoffer Jørgensen and Peter "Peppe" Östensson
Versione Italiana
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